Since I'm a Ginger gone blond (Strawberry actually) I know what it;s like to be a redhead. We come in all shades: auburn, ginger, cinnamon, chestnut, henna, strawberry blond, carrot top.  Hair isn't the only thing that characterizes a real redhead though.  Fair, sometimes alabaster skin with a peach undertone and freckles are all hallmark of the quintessential Celtic beauty, marking shades like ivory, peach and eggshell a redhead's best pick.  So why are these yellow tones best?  A redheaded complexion is most likely fair and pale ergo most whites and stark whites will wash out the complexion. On the other hand, ivory and eggshell tones will warm up skin tone and once they're put on do seem to belong to redheads exclusively. Silk whites--which is to say off or muted whites like the shades in the images directly below can work for the bride with red hair as long as they stay fairly matte or muted . . .
Photo 2:via Tumblr
Photo 3Photography and Styling BUBBLEROCK / Bride’s Gown by RUE DE SEINE / fvia Magnolia Rouge
Photo 7: The Musetta Dress by Amy-Jo Tatum