As editor of Bride Chic I can't tell you how excited I am that the online zine has finally launched! For those of you out there following Bride Chic, The Blog, The Zine is a hand-picked assortment of features focusing on all the best of the blog and Amy-Jo Tatum Bridal Couture combined. So if you love those fashion editorials you can catch three at a time on the Zine. In addition will be a few postings from some of my favorite sites out there. And for those of you just stumbling upon Bride Chic for the first time, we're all about wedding fashion starting with the gown and moving on to Mom dresses, bridesmaids, guests, kids, as well as rehearsal and shower options. An entirely new feature for the blog as well as Zine will be 'Access', a spotlight on all accessories bridal from tiara to shoes. And if you love top notch photography stick around. All the newest, off-the-charts fashion and wedding artists gather on Bride Chic, The Zine . . . .

Cover shot by Stephanie Williams Photography/Above: Ron Greystar Photography