Don't you just go swoon over all those belts, bows, sashes, trims and ribbons you see gracing bridal wear lately? We call them details and they are what make The Dress, Your Dress. Thanks to all you brides out there daring to go your own way, designers are free to really experiment. By way of ribbons, trims, and sashes, we artists have introduced color and different textures into the mix. The above gown is sashed in back with embroidered, beaded tan and beige taffeta ribbon that works its way down a detachable train. Dress from The Bouffant Collection//Photo by Strotz Photography

Above Left: The best example of a self-belt (made out of the same fabric as the dress). Georgette linen and striped ribbon combine to make up this belt punctuated with a fabric rose. From The Dioresque Collection//Above Right: Another self-belt, this version made of eyelet. The Gretel Dress from The Forever Boho Collection//Photo Stephanie Williams Photography
Above: Embroidered taffeta ribbon acts as a belt and is repeated in the train with added adornments of hand-rolled florals. The Opal Dress from The Bouffant Collection.
All dresses by Amy-Jo Tatum Bridal Couture